Meals to You Program
Meals to You program is offered by Baylor University and United States Department of Agriculture where students are encouraged to have their nutritious meal during the off days of school. This program becomes more effective in these pandemic situations due to the spread of COVID-19 where many students are not ensured for their nutritious food under these conditions. When schools are closed during summer days then students are required to meet their nutrition requirements from any of the summer food service options among which Meal-to-You is best. If they're in the provided range of meal-to-you service then they can get benefits from it directly with few steps. Under these pandemic situations, families are not allowed to leave their home for common purchases of items as it may lead to severe harm for them. The meal-to-you program helps many schools' students to get rid of these tensions and stay safe and relax at home. Further eligibility criteria and procedure to apply for this program are described below:
The school districts meeting the following criteria are encouraged to apply:
The schools with announced closures of at least 4 weeks
The schools under the Summer food service program (SFSP) can apply
Those schools from such areas which have been declared as rural areas by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) can apply
Schools of those areas which have been declared rural according to National Center Education Statistics (NCES) policy
The schools with reduced lunch criteria will be given priority in case when the above requirements are same and the qualified list exceeds the provided capacity
The validity of application must be ensured according to the instructions
The schools who have already availed any other food services offer during their closure time will not be preferred to avail this opportunity as well
The processing for selection of schools with given area will be made on daily basis
The areas of the schools can also be checked from the official website of Meals-to-You Program through the link below
The schools with provided districts are required to apply through the corresponding state agency for further assistance
After this, the eligible districts are allowed to validate their application
The deserving districts will get approval from state agency followed by the submission of application to the Baylor Collaborative for Hunger and Poverty department
The review of application will be made in the next step
The approved applications are allowed to match with a vendor for further procedure
The contract will be finalized between vendor and district in the next step
Finally, the organization will access to the families for the provision of food services
The enrollment of families will remain for a week
The delivery of boxes will be ensured within second week
The Meals-to-You program is the best program to deliver food at your home during school closure duration. Any school from the provided range can get benefits from this offer after applying to this program. Many boxes contain around 10 lunches and breakfasts for the students which help them to meet their nutritious demands in an easy way.