2020 DOST-SEI S&T Undergraduate Scholarships QUALIFIER'S GUIDE
Congratulations to our new DOST undergraduate Scholar's. Here is the 2020 DOST-SEI S&T Undergraduate Scholarships QUALIFIER'S GUIDE.
Check if your name is on the list of qualifiers posted on the DOST-SEI website.
Wait for the notice of award from DOST-SE or the DOST Regional Office stating the date of orientation and signing of Scholarship Agreement which will be sent to you via postal mail and email starting March 30, 2020.
Report with one (1) of your parents or legal guardian on the schedule indicated in your notice of award and kindly bring the following:
Photocopy of 2020 Community Tax Certificate or any government-issued ID (e.g. valid passport, GSIS ID, postal ID, etc) of Parent/Legal Guardian;
Notarized affidavit of guardianship or special power of attorney (if legal guardian); &
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"Qualifiers who intend to sign the Scholarship Agreement at the DOST Regional Office but will enroll at universities/colleges in NCR or outside their home region
SHOULD HAVE AN ENDORSMENT LETTER FROM THE DOST REGIONAL OFFICE IN THEIR HOME REGION to be forwarded to DOST-SEI or concerned DOST Regional Office. The must report first to the said office
DOST Undergraduate Scholarship
Ensure admission:
in any priority S&T programs covered by the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarships;
at a state university or college; or
in any private higher education institution that is recognized by Comission on Higher Education as Center of Excellence or Center of Development for the Bachelor pf Science (BS) program that you intend to enroll in; or
in any institution with Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP) Level III accredation for the BS program that you intend to enroll in.
For the complete list, check this link:
1. To be able to enjoy the scholarship, you are to persue a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree program in any of the priority fields of study at a state university or college or any private higher education institution that is recognized by the Commission on Higher Education as Center of Excellence or Center of Development or with FAAP Level III accreditation for the BS program that you intend to enroll in.
2. For the complete list of PRIORITY S&T DEGREE PROGRAMS and ACCREDITED INSTITUATIONS, go to https://bit.ly/2vEUCwe
List of State Universities and Colleges (SUC): https://sei.dost.gov.ph/images/stsd/suc.pdf
List of CHED identified Centers of Excellence (COE) and Centers of Development (COD) for the S%T priority program: http://sei.dost.gov.ph/images/stsd/coecod.pdf
List of intitutions with FAAP Level III accreditation:
- PAASCU: http://paascu.org.ph/?page_id=119
- PACUCOA: https://bot.ly/2WprlAC
3. The scholarship could only be availed if the course is on the list.
Got question? You may contact us thru the following:
DOST-SE S&T Scholarship Division
Website: www.sei.dost.gov.ph
Mobile No: 09278868816, 09215260614
Email: dostseiuq2020@gmail.com